All my dearly ones in our Savior Jesus Christ,
Let us devote our few time towards the Last Few Days of Christ’s Earthly Ministry. This journeying help ourselves to identify with the Passion of Christ. The Passion Week runs all the way through Easter Sunday.
The most recognized moments of Holy Week includes:
- Maundy Thursday known as Pesaha or Passover,
- Good Friday
- Holy Saturday and
- Easter Sunday.
The observances of Holy Week is an opportunity to anticipate, mourn, and meditate the life of Christ in the same sequence of events His Disciples did, all prior to Jesus’s Triumphant and victorious Resurrection. The main theme of the Gospel Message is Christ’s Sacrifice and Redemption.
In the midst of present deep chaos and crisis filled with darkness and death, but we can have HOPE WITH FAITH in our Savior Jesus Christ, the Light of the World. When Jesus defeated death by entering into it, or meditation promotes us to trust in Him. Remember, the Prophecy of Jeremiah: “ This is what the Lord says: Keep your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for the reward for your work will come… there is hope for your future.”
( Jeremiah 31: 16-17) . Always remember that our LAMENT turned to JOY.
Raising Lazarus from dead ( St. John 11: 38-44 )
The Anointing at Bethany ( St. John 12: 1-7 )
Prophesy of His Passion ( St. Matthew 20: 17-18, St. Luke 18: 31-33 )
Jesus passed through Jericho, the tax port to enter Jerusalem. The events happened in Jericho included: Healing of Blind man BARTIMAEUS, a blind beggar( St. Mark 10: 46-52, St. Luke 18: 35-42 )
Jesus visits Zacchaeus ( S. Luke 19: 1-9 )
The Triumphant Entry. ( St. Matthew 21:9, St. Mark 11: 9-10, St. Luke 19:38, St. John 12:12-13
Great Teachings at Mount of Olives during Passion Week:
Jesus with Apostles returned to the top of Mount of Olives known as VIRIGALILE, facing Jerusalem Temple. Here , Jesus taught the Apostles: The Parable of the Two sons( St. Matthew 21: 28-32); The Parable of the Vineyard owner ( St. Matthew 21:33-42); The Parable of Wedding Banquet( St. Matthew 22;1-14); Mystery of Resurrection and question of marriage.( St. Matthew 22: 23-32, St Luke 20: 27-38); Religious Hypocrites Denounced.( St. Matthew 23:1-36); Jesus Lamentation over Jerusalem( St. Matthew 23: 37-39); Sign of the End of Age and persecution predicted. ( S. Matthew 24: 3-14); Cleansing the Temple Complex( St. Matthew 21: 12-13) ;the Barren Fig tree( St. Matthew 21: 18-21); Great Tribulation and coming of the Son of Man( St. Matthew 24:15-44); Parable of the Ten Virgins( St. Matthew 25: 1-13); and the Parable of the Talents, the Sheep and the Goats.( St. Matthew 25: 1-46)
Last Supper and the Institution of the Holy Qurbana. ( St. Matthew 26: 17-30); Jesus washes the feet of the Apostles( St. John !3:1f; while at Gethsemane, Judas betrayed and Jesus was arrested. St. Matthew 26: 50 says “ tThey came and laid hands on Jesus and took Him.” Before Caiaphas and Sanhedrim. They put Jesus in prison of Caiaphas, where Jesus meditated Psalm 88, reflects the suffering and affliction.
“ Messi-ah Who effaced Pa-schal Lamb by Thy Pasch
Gladden, show mercy- by Thy Pasch.”
Exodus 12: 27 says: “ It is the Passover Sacrifice to the Lord, for He passed over the houses of the Isralits in Egypt when He struck the Egyptians and spared our homes.” Remember, Our Lord Instituted the Holy Qurbana as the New Covenant during the Last Supper.(St. Matthew 26:19, St. Mark 14: 22-24, St. Luke 22:19-20 and 1Corinthians 11:24-25).
Pesaha H Q readings are; Epistles, Acts 1; 15-20, 1 Cor. 11: 23-34, Gospel St. Luke 22: 14-30
We are entering into the Mystery of God. The Greek word MYSTERION means entering into the Mystery of God and the Latin word SACRAMENTUM means entering into the Grace of God. St John Chrysostom said, “ He mixed Himself with us and dissolved His Body in us so that we may constitute wholeness.”
May God bless us and comfort during this difficult times.
With prayers,
V. Rev. Dr. Varughese Plamthottathil Cor Episcopos
Vicar and President of St. Baselios Orthodox Church, New York, U.S.A.